{`Truth. Health. Wealth. In that order.`}
\n{`An almanack for BalajiS, who correctly foresaw the rise of crypto and the covid pandemic, amongst other things.`}
\n{`He is an Engineer, Investor, Futurist.`}
\n{`It's an effort to systematically round up and organize the main threads of Balaji's ideas. `}
\n{`We organize these ideas into \"concepts\" and add original sources in the mix so that readers can understand the context. `}
\n{`We are actively looking for contributors for both the website and it's content. This effort started at July 8th, 2021.`}
\n{`Visit the `}{`GitHub repository`}{` for more information.`}
\n{`If you want to improve a particular page of this website, just click on \"Edit this page on GitHub\". You will find it at the end of every page. `}
\n{`Original Idea by `}{`Dickie Bush`}{`. `}
\n{`First content aggregation and website curation by [`}{`Grant Nissly`}{`].`}